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] [ "md5=b33c8a1a6c7ed797816ce27df4855107" "bmFtZT0ic2VxIgp2ZXJzaW9uPSJbZGlzdHJpYnV0ZWQgd2l0aCBPQ2FtbCA0LjA3IG9yIGFib3ZlXSIKZGVzY3JpcHRpb249ImR1bW15IGJhY2t3YXJkLWNvbXBhdGliaWxpdHkgcGFja2FnZSBmb3IgaXRlcmF0b3JzIgpyZXF1aXJlcz0iIgo=" ] ] opam-version: "2.0" installed: [ "angstrom.0.16.0" "base-bigarray.base" "base-bytes.base" "base-threads.base" "base-unix.base" "base64.3.5.1" "bigstringaf.0.9.1" "checkseum.0.5.2" "cmdliner.1.2.0" "conf-gmp.4" "conf-gmp-powm-sec.3" "conf-libnl3.1" "conf-pkg-config.3" "cppo.1.6.9" "csexp.1.5.2" "decompress.1.5.3" "domain-name.0.4.0" "dune.3.12.2" "dune-configurator.3.12.2" "duration.0.2.1" "faraday.0.8.2" "faraday-lwt.0.8.2" "faraday-lwt-unix.0.8.2" "gmap.0.3.0" "h2.0.11.0" "hpack.0.11.0" "httpaf.0.7.1" "ipaddr.5.5.0" "lru.0.3.1" "lwt.5.7.0" "macaddr.5.5.0" "ocaml.4.14.1" "ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.1" "ocaml-config.2" "ocaml-options-vanilla.1" "ocaml-syntax-shims.1.0.0" "ocamlfind.1.9.6" "ocplib-endian.1.2" "optint.0.3.0" "owee.0.7" "psq.0.2.1" "result.1.5" "seq.base" "sexplib0.v0.16.0" "zarith.1.13" ] package "angstrom" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.16.0" synopsis: "Parser combinators built for speed and memory-efficiency" description: """\ Angstrom is a parser-combinator library that makes it easy to write efficient, expressive, and reusable parsers suitable for high-performance applications. It exposes monadic and applicative interfaces for composition, and supports incremental input through buffered and unbuffered interfaces. Both interfaces give the user total control over the blocking behavior of their application, with the unbuffered interface enabling zero-copy IO. Parsers are backtracking by default and support unbounded lookahead.""" maintainer: "Spiros Eliopoulos " authors: "Spiros Eliopoulos " license: "BSD-3-clause" homepage: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/angstrom" bug-reports: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/angstrom/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.04.0"} "dune" {>= "1.8"} "alcotest" {with-test & >= "0.8.1"} "bigstringaf" "ppx_let" {with-test & >= "v0.14.0"} "ocaml-syntax-shims" {build} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/inhabitedtype/angstrom.git" url { src: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/angstrom/archive/0.16.0.tar.gz" checksum: "md5=58ebc718a920c31ec3eb38f4aa1bea51" } } package "base-bigarray" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "base" synopsis: "" description: "Bigarray library distributed with the OCaml compiler" maintainer: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues" } package "base-bytes" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "base" synopsis: "Bytes library distributed with the OCaml compiler" maintainer: " " authors: " " homepage: " " depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.02.0"} "ocamlfind" {>= "1.5.3"} ] } package "base-threads" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "base" synopsis: "" description: "Threads library distributed with the OCaml compiler" maintainer: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues" } package "base-unix" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "base" synopsis: "" description: "Unix library distributed with the OCaml compiler" maintainer: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues" } package "base64" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "3.5.1" synopsis: "Base64 encoding for OCaml" description: """\ Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. It is specified in RFC 4648.""" maintainer: "mirageos-devel@lists.xenproject.org" authors: [ "Thomas Gazagnaire" "Anil Madhavapeddy" "Calascibetta Romain" "Peter Zotov" ] license: "ISC" homepage: "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-base64" doc: "https://mirage.github.io/ocaml-base64/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-base64/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"} "dune" {>= "2.3"} "fmt" {with-test & >= "0.8.7"} "bos" {with-test} "rresult" {with-test} "alcotest" {with-test} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-base64.git" url { src: "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-base64/releases/download/v3.5.1/base64-3.5.1.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=d8fedaa59bd12feae7acc08b5928dd478aac523f4ca8d240470d2500651c65ed" "sha512=278bd2029800d90ed88ff59b9de723013e645523556a1667b64178d6b5058a7d6da91efffef3589c35569b5fa10ddee74c93f5a3d156b9146c8af5b7fe44aeaf" ] } x-commit-hash: "084346f14ed1e6706d733402dd6ff65b0dc4f718" } package "bigstringaf" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.9.1" synopsis: "Bigstring intrinsics and fast blits based on memcpy/memmove" description: """\ Bigstring intrinsics and fast blits based on memcpy/memmove The OCaml compiler has a bunch of intrinsics for Bigstrings, but they're not widely-known, sometimes misused, and so programs that use Bigstrings are slower than they have to be. And even if a library got that part right and exposed the intrinsics properly, the compiler doesn't have any fast blits between Bigstrings and other string-like types. So here they are. Go crazy.""" maintainer: "Spiros Eliopoulos " authors: "Spiros Eliopoulos " license: "BSD-3-clause" homepage: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/bigstringaf" bug-reports: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/bigstringaf/issues" depends: [ "dune" {>= "3.0"} "dune-configurator" {>= "3.0"} "alcotest" {with-test} "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"} ] conflicts: [ "mirage-xen" {< "6.0.0"} "ocaml-freestanding" "js_of_ocaml" {< "3.5.0"} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} [ "dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs "@install" "@runtest" {with-test} "@doc" {with-doc} ] ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/inhabitedtype/bigstringaf.git" url { src: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/bigstringaf/archive/0.9.1.tar.gz" checksum: "md5=909fdc277cf03096a35b565325d5314a" } } package "checkseum" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.5.2" synopsis: "Adler-32, CRC32 and CRC32-C implementation in C and OCaml" description: """\ Checkseum is a library to provide implementation of Adler-32, CRC32 and CRC32-C in C and OCaml. This library use the linking trick to choose between the C implementation (checkseum.c) or the OCaml implementation (checkseum.ocaml). This library is on top of optint to get the best representation of an int32.""" maintainer: "Romain Calascibetta " authors: "Romain Calascibetta " license: "MIT" homepage: "https://github.com/mirage/checkseum" doc: "https://mirage.github.io/checkseum/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/mirage/checkseum/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.07.0"} "dune" {>= "2.6.0"} "dune-configurator" "optint" {>= "0.3.0"} "alcotest" {with-test} "bos" {with-test} "astring" {with-test} "fmt" {with-test} "fpath" {with-test} "rresult" {with-test} "ocamlfind" {with-test} ] conflicts: [ "mirage-xen" {< "6.0.0"} "ocaml-freestanding" ] build: [ ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] install: [ ["dune" "install" "-p" name] {with-test} ["ocaml" "./test/test_runes.ml"] {with-test} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/mirage/checkseum.git" url { src: "https://github.com/mirage/checkseum/releases/download/v0.5.2/checkseum-0.5.2.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=9e5e4fd4405cb4a8b4df00877543251833e08a6499ef42ccb8dba582df0dafc8" "sha512=b66261effaa561ce5cb8d92a3ec78565a5579bf3d3c4b7f08eba59998ac4d7f49ae9c240986c231b22b965c93a949a8a2e35edec42277ecb5602829945fba6db" ] } x-commit-hash: "79867ddb97f347657ff2ec026da1d77ec7864db6" } package "cmdliner" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "1.2.0" synopsis: "Declarative definition of command line interfaces for OCaml" description: """\ Cmdliner allows the declarative definition of command line interfaces for OCaml. It provides a simple and compositional mechanism to convert command line arguments to OCaml values and pass them to your functions. The module automatically handles syntax errors, help messages and UNIX man page generation. It supports programs with single or multiple commands and respects most of the [POSIX][1] and [GNU][2] conventions. Cmdliner has no dependencies and is distributed under the ISC license. [1]: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/xbd_chap12.html [2]: http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Argument-Syntax.html Home page: http://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner""" maintainer: "Daniel Bünzli " authors: "The cmdliner programmers" license: "ISC" tags: ["cli" "system" "declarative" "org:erratique"] homepage: "https://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner" doc: "https://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner/doc" bug-reports: "https://github.com/dbuenzli/cmdliner/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"} ] build: [make "all" "PREFIX=%{prefix}%"] install: [ [make "install" "LIBDIR=%{_:lib}%" "DOCDIR=%{_:doc}%"] [make "install-doc" "LIBDIR=%{_:lib}%" "DOCDIR=%{_:doc}%"] ] dev-repo: "git+https://erratique.ch/repos/cmdliner.git" url { src: "https://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner/releases/cmdliner-1.2.0.tbz" checksum: "sha512=6fcd6a59a6fbc6986b1aecdc3e4ce7a0dc43c65a16b427d6caa5504b10b51384f6b0bc703af646b09f5f1caeb6827b37d4480ce350ca8006204c850785f2810b" } } package "conf-gmp" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "4" synopsis: "Virtual package relying on a GMP lib system installation" description: "This package can only install if the GMP lib is installed on the system." maintainer: "nbraud" authors: "nbraud" license: "GPL-1.0-or-later" homepage: "http://gmplib.org/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues" flags: conf build: [ ["sh" "-exc" "cc -c $CFLAGS -I/usr/local/include test.c"] {os != "macos" & os != "win32"} [ "sh" "-exc" "$(ocamlc -config-var c_compiler) -c $CFLAGS -I/usr/local/include test.c" ] {os = "win32" & os-distribution = "cygwinports"} [ "sh" "-exc" "cc -c $CFLAGS -I/opt/homebrew/include -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/local/include test.c" ] {os = "macos"} ] depexts: [ ["libgmp-dev"] {os-family = "debian"} ["libgmp-dev"] {os-family = "ubuntu"} ["gmp"] {os = "macos" & os-distribution = "homebrew"} ["gmp"] {os-distribution = "macports" & os = "macos"} ["gmp" "gmp-devel"] {os-distribution = "centos"} ["gmp" "gmp-devel"] {os-distribution = "fedora" | os-family = "fedora"} ["gmp" "gmp-devel"] {os-distribution = "ol"} ["gmp"] {os = "openbsd"} ["gmp"] {os = "freebsd"} ["gmp-dev"] {os-distribution = "alpine"} ["gmp-devel"] {os-family = "suse" | os-family = "opensuse"} ["gmp"] {os = "win32" & os-distribution = "cygwinports"} ["gmp"] {os-distribution = "nixos"} ] extra-files: ["test.c" "md5=2fd2970c293c36222a6d299ec155823f"] } package "conf-gmp-powm-sec" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "3" synopsis: "Virtual package relying on a GMP lib with constant-time modular exponentiation" description: """\ This package can only install if the GMP lib is installed on the system and corresponds to a version that has the mpz_powm_sec function.""" maintainer: "Etienne Millon " authors: "Etienne Millon " license: "GPL-1.0-or-later" homepage: "http://gmplib.org/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues" depends: ["conf-gmp"] flags: conf build: [ ["sh" "-exc" "cc -c $CFLAGS -I/usr/local/include test.c"] {os != "macos"} [ "sh" "-exc" "cc -c $CFLAGS -I/opt/homebrew/include -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/local/include test.c" ] {os = "macos"} ] extra-files: ["test.c" "md5=29317f477fa828e18428660ef31064fb"] } package "conf-libnl3" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "1" synopsis: "Virtual package relying on a libnl system installation" description: "This package can only install if libnl is installed on the system." maintainer: "Reynir Björnsson " authors: "Thomas Graf" license: "LGPL-2.1-only" homepage: "https://www.infradead.org/~tgr/libnl/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues" depends: ["conf-pkg-config"] available: os = "linux" flags: conf build: [ ["pkg-config" "libnl-3.0"] ["pkg-config" "libnl-route-3.0"] ] depexts: [ ["libnl-3-dev" "libnl-route-3-dev"] {os-family = "debian"} ["libnl-3-dev" "libnl-route-3-dev"] {os-family = "ubuntu"} ["libnl3" "libnl3-devel"] {os-distribution = "centos" | os-distribution = "fedora"} ["libnl3" "libnl3-devel"] {os-distribution = "ol" & os-version >= "8"} ["libnl3-devel"] {os-family = "suse" | os-family = "opensuse"} ["libnl"] {os-family = "arch"} ["libnl3-dev"] {os-family = "alpine"} ] x-ci-accept-failures: ["oraclelinux-7"] } package "conf-pkg-config" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "3" synopsis: "Check if pkg-config is installed and create an opam switch local pkgconfig folder" description: """\ This package can only install if the pkg-config package is installed on the system.""" maintainer: "unixjunkie@sdf.org" authors: "Francois Berenger" license: "GPL-1.0-or-later" homepage: "http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues" flags: conf build: ["pkg-config" "--help"] {os != "openbsd"} depexts: [ ["pkg-config"] {os-family = "debian" | os-family = "ubuntu"} ["pkgconf"] {os-distribution = "arch"} ["pkgconf-pkg-config"] {os-distribution = "fedora"} ["pkgconfig"] {os-distribution = "centos" & os-version <= "7"} ["pkgconf-pkg-config"] {os-distribution = "mageia"} ["pkgconfig"] {os-distribution = "rhel" & os-version <= "7"} ["pkgconfig"] {os-distribution = "ol" & os-version <= "7"} ["pkgconf"] {os-distribution = "alpine"} ["pkgconfig"] {os-distribution = "nixos"} ["pkg-config"] {os = "macos" & os-distribution = "homebrew"} ["pkgconfig"] {os = "macos" & os-distribution = "macports"} ["pkgconf"] {os = "freebsd"} ["pkgconf-pkg-config"] {os-distribution = "rhel" & os-version >= "8"} ["pkgconf-pkg-config"] {os-distribution = "centos" & os-version >= "8"} ["pkgconf-pkg-config"] {os-distribution = "ol" & os-version >= "8"} ["system:pkgconf"] {os = "win32" & os-distribution = "cygwinports"} ] } package "cppo" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "1.6.9" synopsis: "Code preprocessor like cpp for OCaml" description: """\ Cppo is an equivalent of the C preprocessor for OCaml programs. It allows the definition of simple macros and file inclusion. Cppo is: * more OCaml-friendly than cpp * easy to learn without consulting a manual * reasonably fast * simple to install and to maintain""" maintainer: [ "Martin Jambon " "Yishuai Li " ] authors: "Martin Jambon" license: "BSD-3-Clause" homepage: "https://github.com/ocaml-community/cppo" doc: "https://ocaml-community.github.io/cppo" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml-community/cppo/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.02.3"} "dune" {>= "1.10"} "base-unix" ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "@doc"] {with-doc} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml-community/cppo.git" url { src: "https://github.com/ocaml-community/cppo/archive/v1.6.9.tar.gz" checksum: [ "md5=d23ffe85ac7dc8f0afd1ddf622770d09" "sha512=26ff5a7b7f38c460661974b23ca190f0feae3a99f1974e0fd12ccf08745bd7d91b7bc168c70a5385b837bfff9530e0e4e41cf269f23dd8cf16ca658008244b44" ] } } package "csexp" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "1.5.2" synopsis: "Parsing and printing of S-expressions in Canonical form" description: """\ This library provides minimal support for Canonical S-expressions [1]. Canonical S-expressions are a binary encoding of S-expressions that is super simple and well suited for communication between programs. This library only provides a few helpers for simple applications. If you need more advanced support, such as parsing from more fancy input sources, you should consider copying the code of this library given how simple parsing S-expressions in canonical form is. To avoid a dependency on a particular S-expression library, the only module of this library is parameterised by the type of S-expressions. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canonical_S-expressions""" maintainer: "Jeremie Dimino " authors: [ "Quentin Hocquet " "Jane Street Group, LLC " "Jeremie Dimino " ] license: "MIT" homepage: "https://github.com/ocaml-dune/csexp" doc: "https://ocaml-dune.github.io/csexp/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml-dune/csexp/issues" depends: [ "dune" {>= "3.4"} "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"} "odoc" {with-doc} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs "@install" "@doc" {with-doc}] ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml-dune/csexp.git" url { src: "https://github.com/ocaml-dune/csexp/releases/download/1.5.2/csexp-1.5.2.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=1a14dd04bb4379a41990248550628c77913a9c07f3c35c1370b6960e697787ff" "sha512=be281018bcfc20d4db14894ef51c4b836d6338d2fdfe22e63d46f405f8dea7349e16f1c0ecd65f73d4c85a2a80e618cdbb8c9dafcbb9f229f04f1adca5b1973c" ] } x-commit-hash: "e6c4768e10c61bcb04d09748744dad55602149c6" } package "decompress" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "1.5.3" synopsis: "Implementation of Zlib and GZip in OCaml" description: """\ Decompress is an implementation of Zlib and GZip in OCaml It provides a pure non-blocking interface to inflate and deflate data flow.""" maintainer: "Romain Calascibetta " authors: "Romain Calascibetta " license: "MIT" homepage: "https://github.com/mirage/decompress" doc: "https://mirage.github.io/decompress/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/mirage/decompress/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.07.0"} "dune" {>= "2.8.0"} "cmdliner" {>= "1.1.0"} "optint" {>= "0.1.0"} "checkseum" {>= "0.2.0"} "bigstringaf" {with-test & >= "0.9.0"} "alcotest" {with-test & >= "1.7.0"} "fmt" {with-test & >= "0.8.7"} "camlzip" {>= "1.10" & with-test} "base64" {>= "3.0.0" & with-test} "crowbar" {with-test & >= "0.2"} "rresult" {with-test} "bos" {with-test & >= "0.2.1"} "astring" {with-test & >= "0.8.5"} ] build: ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] run-test: ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/mirage/decompress.git" url { src: "https://github.com/mirage/decompress/releases/download/v1.5.3/decompress-1.5.3.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=f91e6978beff3fcb61440d32f7c99c99f1e8654b4fb18408741d36035373ac60" "sha512=c3f402404f76075e6f692ea36e701134a5d833824d5d1166365c6c81fb18b309270bf288ce4c118ac44fd0366d9b6eea0a6309255678d8e1bd2bbfa7ba843461" ] } x-commit-hash: "52ff65a1c234a98d925ceaba8df7f08c1754e8e5" } package "domain-name" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.4.0" synopsis: "RFC 1035 Internet domain names" description: """\ A domain name is a sequence of labels separated by dots, such as `foo.example`. Each label may contain any bytes. The length of each label may not exceed 63 charactes. The total length of a domain name is limited to 253 (byte representation is 255), but other protocols (such as SMTP) may apply even smaller limits. A domain name label is case preserving, comparison is done in a case insensitive manner.""" maintainer: "Hannes Mehnert " authors: "Hannes Mehnert " license: "ISC" homepage: "https://github.com/hannesm/domain-name" doc: "https://hannesm.github.io/domain-name/doc" bug-reports: "https://github.com/hannesm/domain-name/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.04.2"} "dune" "alcotest" {with-test} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/hannesm/domain-name.git" url { src: "https://github.com/hannesm/domain-name/releases/download/v0.4.0/domain-name-0.4.0.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=a5c06e22845895201973e812fe3019274d1db81c0a7873da6c8007c4ad2108c5" "sha512=f25aedb1ddf6ab8c49b1545cf88f4990114a9e7954d91cabf260e6ce470abd42dd135e8a55084262a77d4c9ee4bff6dc00c71307b23a48d82d50593b910ee173" ] } x-commit-hash: "e9833486ee40ef2c49c43dd72976022a627b4a34" } package "dune" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "3.12.2" synopsis: "Fast, portable, and opinionated build system" description: """\ Dune is a build system that was designed to simplify the release of Jane Street packages. It reads metadata from "dune" files following a very simple s-expression syntax. Dune is fast, has very low-overhead, and supports parallel builds on all platforms. It has no system dependencies; all you need to build dune or packages using dune is OCaml. You don't need make or bash as long as the packages themselves don't use bash explicitly. Dune is composable; supporting multi-package development by simply dropping multiple repositories into the same directory. Dune also supports multi-context builds, such as building against several opam roots/switches simultaneously. This helps maintaining packages across several versions of OCaml and gives cross-compilation for free.""" maintainer: "Jane Street Group, LLC " authors: "Jane Street Group, LLC " license: "MIT" homepage: "https://github.com/ocaml/dune" doc: "https://dune.readthedocs.io/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/dune/issues" depends: [ ("ocaml" {>= "4.08"} | ("ocaml" {>= "4.02" & < "4.08~~"} & "ocamlfind-secondary")) "base-unix" "base-threads" ] conflicts: [ "merlin" {< "3.4.0"} "ocaml-lsp-server" {< "1.3.0"} "dune-configurator" {< "2.3.0"} "odoc" {< "2.0.1"} "dune-release" {< "1.3.0"} "js_of_ocaml-compiler" {< "3.6.0"} "jbuilder" {= "transition"} ] build: [ ["ocaml" "boot/bootstrap.ml" "-j" jobs] [ "./_boot/dune.exe" "build" "dune.install" "--release" "--profile" "dune-bootstrap" "-j" jobs ] ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/dune.git" url { src: "https://github.com/ocaml/dune/releases/download/3.12.2/dune-3.12.2.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=e8aa5f01fee83efac8733df0bec3e23aaecdb4524bc58b8065cd18cc07295fb3" "sha512=ae6039c67a1eca9f946b67bdc84433cafe0648d51d22600b1b108fa5712db34524958137cb3a0d82b5a965c66dae7dc4c9619796eda8f72246178885e460f601" ] } x-commit-hash: "f5be55fecd654fc097fa8990b62d5d826fa9b22f" } package "dune-configurator" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "3.12.2" synopsis: "Helper library for gathering system configuration" description: """\ dune-configurator is a small library that helps writing OCaml scripts that test features available on the system, in order to generate config.h files for instance. Among other things, dune-configurator allows one to: - test if a C program compiles - query pkg-config - import #define from OCaml header files - generate config.h file""" maintainer: "Jane Street Group, LLC " authors: "Jane Street Group, LLC " license: "MIT" homepage: "https://github.com/ocaml/dune" doc: "https://dune.readthedocs.io/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/dune/issues" depends: [ "dune" {>= "3.5"} "ocaml" {>= "4.04.0"} "base-unix" "csexp" {>= "1.5.0"} "odoc" {with-doc} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["rm" "-rf" "vendor/csexp"] ["rm" "-rf" "vendor/pp"] ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs "@install" "@doc" {with-doc}] ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/dune.git" url { src: "https://github.com/ocaml/dune/releases/download/3.12.2/dune-3.12.2.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=e8aa5f01fee83efac8733df0bec3e23aaecdb4524bc58b8065cd18cc07295fb3" "sha512=ae6039c67a1eca9f946b67bdc84433cafe0648d51d22600b1b108fa5712db34524958137cb3a0d82b5a965c66dae7dc4c9619796eda8f72246178885e460f601" ] } x-commit-hash: "f5be55fecd654fc097fa8990b62d5d826fa9b22f" } package "duration" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.2.1" synopsis: "Conversions to various time units" description: """\ A duration is represented in nanoseconds as an unsigned 64 bit integer. This has a range of up to 584 years. Functions provided check the input and raise on negative or out of bound input.""" maintainer: "Hannes Mehnert " authors: "Hannes Mehnert " license: "ISC" homepage: "https://github.com/hannesm/duration" doc: "https://hannesm.github.io/duration/doc" bug-reports: "https://github.com/hannesm/duration/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.04.2"} "dune" {>= "1.0"} "alcotest" {with-test & >= "0.8.1"} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/hannesm/duration.git" url { src: "https://github.com/hannesm/duration/releases/download/v0.2.1/duration-0.2.1.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=c738c1f38cfb99820c121cd3ddf819de4b2228f0d50eacbd1cc3ce99e7c71e2b" "sha512=0de9e15c7d6188872ddd9994f08616c4a1822e4ac92724efa2c312fbb2fc44cd7cbe4b36bcf66a8451d510c1fc95de481760afbcacb8f83e183262595dcf5f0c" ] } x-commit-hash: "6abe42ebe585a96f79eb91045911b9a73c1db19e" } package "faraday" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.8.2" synopsis: "A library for writing fast and memory-efficient serializers" description: """\ Faraday is a library for writing fast and memory-efficient serializers. Its core type and related operation gives the user fine-grained control over copying and allocation behavior while serializing user-defined types, and presents the output in a form that makes it possible to use vectorized write operations, such as the writev system call, or any other platform or application-specific output APIs.""" maintainer: "Spiros Eliopoulos " authors: "Spiros Eliopoulos " license: "BSD-3-clause" homepage: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday" bug-reports: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"} "dune" {>= "1.11"} "alcotest" {with-test & >= "0.4.1"} "bigstringaf" ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday.git" url { src: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday/archive/0.8.2.tar.gz" checksum: "md5=307dccc4ea67ff0eeff394701d05bbe7" } } package "faraday-lwt" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.8.2" synopsis: "Lwt support for Faraday" maintainer: "Spiros Eliopoulos " authors: "Spiros Eliopoulos " license: "BSD-3-clause" homepage: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday" bug-reports: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"} "dune" {>= "1.11"} "faraday" {>= "0.5.0"} "lwt" ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday.git" url { src: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday/archive/0.8.2.tar.gz" checksum: "md5=307dccc4ea67ff0eeff394701d05bbe7" } } package "faraday-lwt-unix" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.8.2" synopsis: "Lwt_unix support for Faraday" maintainer: "Spiros Eliopoulos " authors: "Spiros Eliopoulos " license: "BSD-3-clause" homepage: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday" bug-reports: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"} "dune" {>= "1.11"} "faraday-lwt" "lwt" {>= "2.7.0"} "base-unix" ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday.git" url { src: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday/archive/0.8.2.tar.gz" checksum: "md5=307dccc4ea67ff0eeff394701d05bbe7" } } package "gmap" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.3.0" synopsis: "Heterogenous maps over a GADT" description: """\ Gmap exposes the functor `Make` which takes a key type (a [GADT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalized_algebraic_data_type) 'a key) and outputs a type-safe Map where each 'a key is associated with a 'a value. This removes the need for additional packing. It uses OCaml's stdlib [Map](http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Map.html) data structure.""" maintainer: "Hannes Mehnert " authors: "Hannes Mehnert " license: "ISC" homepage: "https://github.com/hannesm/gmap" doc: "https://hannesm.github.io/gmap/doc" bug-reports: "https://github.com/hannesm/gmap/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.04.2"} "dune" "alcotest" {with-test} "fmt" {with-test} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/hannesm/gmap.git" url { src: "https://github.com/hannesm/gmap/releases/download/0.3.0/gmap-0.3.0.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=04dd9e6226ac8f8fb4ccb6021048702e34a482fb9c1d240d3852829529507c1c" "sha512=71616981f5a15d6b2a47e18702083e52e81f6547076085b1489f676f50b0cc47c7c2c4fa19cb581e2878dc3d4f7133d0c50d8b51a8390be0e6e30318907d81d3" ] } } package "h2" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.11.0" synopsis: "A high-performance, memory-efficient, and scalable HTTP/2 library for OCaml" description: "h2 is an implementation of the HTTP/2 specification entirely in OCaml. It is based on the concepts in http/af, and therefore uses the Angstrom and Faraday libraries to implement the parsing and serialization layers of the HTTP/2 standard as a state machine that is agnostic to the underlying I/O specifics. It also preserves the same API as http/af wherever possible." maintainer: "Antonio Nuno Monteiro " authors: "Antonio Nuno Monteiro " license: "BSD-3-clause" homepage: "https://github.com/anmonteiro/ocaml-h2" bug-reports: "https://github.com/anmonteiro/ocaml-h2/issues" depends: [ "dune" {>= "2.7"} "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"} "base64" {>= "3.0.0"} "angstrom" {>= "0.14.0"} "faraday" {>= "0.7.3"} "bigstringaf" {>= "0.5.0"} "psq" "hpack" {= version} "httpaf" "alcotest" {with-test} "yojson" {with-test} "hex" {with-test} "odoc" {with-doc} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs "@install" "@doc" {with-doc}] ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/anmonteiro/ocaml-h2.git" url { src: "https://github.com/anmonteiro/ocaml-h2/releases/download/0.11.0/h2-0.11.0.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=19d5f06b39600eeae3cf2ede90ba6e3240a28bc5be17f8e5fc806ffd64c78053" "sha512=aafcb9df5dc76aa4050613696303fc0581e40c28707265672d378f0128fbb717fbbb9214a7557c124c8196e41cfaba4bb190755a7a94afcadd4ae15a64ae01fc" ] } x-commit-hash: "c694398c1b429db622638e94f9a6f8fbce2a208a" } package "hpack" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.11.0" synopsis: "An HPACK (Header Compression for HTTP/2) implementation in OCaml" description: "hpack is an implementation of the HPACK: Header Compression for HTTP/2 specification (RFC7541) written in OCaml. It uses Angstrom and Faraday for parsing and serialization, respectively." maintainer: "Antonio Nuno Monteiro " authors: "Antonio Nuno Monteiro " license: "BSD-3-clause" homepage: "https://github.com/anmonteiro/ocaml-h2" bug-reports: "https://github.com/anmonteiro/ocaml-h2/issues" depends: [ "dune" {>= "2.7"} "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"} "angstrom" "faraday" {>= "0.7.3"} "yojson" {with-test} "hex" {with-test} "odoc" {with-doc} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs "@install" "@doc" {with-doc}] ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/anmonteiro/ocaml-h2.git" url { src: "https://github.com/anmonteiro/ocaml-h2/releases/download/0.11.0/h2-0.11.0.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=19d5f06b39600eeae3cf2ede90ba6e3240a28bc5be17f8e5fc806ffd64c78053" "sha512=aafcb9df5dc76aa4050613696303fc0581e40c28707265672d378f0128fbb717fbbb9214a7557c124c8196e41cfaba4bb190755a7a94afcadd4ae15a64ae01fc" ] } x-commit-hash: "c694398c1b429db622638e94f9a6f8fbce2a208a" } package "httpaf" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.7.1" synopsis: "A high-performance, memory-efficient, and scalable web server for OCaml" description: """\ http/af implements the HTTP 1.1 specification with respect to parsing, serialization, and connection pipelining as a state machine that is agnostic to the underlying IO mechanism, and is therefore portable across many platform. It uses the Angstrom and Faraday libraries to implement the parsing and serialization layers of the HTTP standard, hence the name.""" maintainer: "Spiros Eliopoulos " authors: "Spiros Eliopoulos " license: "BSD-3-clause" homepage: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/httpaf" bug-reports: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/httpaf/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"} "dune" {>= "1.5.0"} "alcotest" {with-test} "bigstringaf" {>= "0.4.0"} "angstrom" {>= "0.14.0"} "faraday" {>= "0.6.1"} "result" ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/inhabitedtype/httpaf.git" url { src: "https://github.com/inhabitedtype/httpaf/archive/0.7.1.tar.gz" checksum: "md5=8c8b199d0553f02fb361cf52c57c0412" } } package "ipaddr" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "5.5.0" synopsis: "A library for manipulation of IP (and MAC) address representations" description: """\ Features: * Depends only on sexplib (conditionalization under consideration) * ounit2-based tests * IPv4 and IPv6 support * IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR prefix support * IPv4 and IPv6 [CIDR-scoped address](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291#section-2.3) support * `Ipaddr.V4` and `Ipaddr.V4.Prefix` modules are `Map.OrderedType` * `Ipaddr.V6` and `Ipaddr.V6.Prefix` modules are `Map.OrderedType` * `Ipaddr` and `Ipaddr.Prefix` modules are `Map.OrderedType` * `Ipaddr_unix` in findlib subpackage `ipaddr.unix` provides compatibility with the standard library `Unix` module * `Ipaddr_top` in findlib subpackage `ipaddr.top` provides top-level pretty printers (requires compiler-libs default since OCaml 4.0) * IP address scope classification * IPv4-mapped addresses in IPv6 (::ffff:0:0/96) are an embedding of IPv4 * MAC-48 (Ethernet) address support * `Macaddr` is a `Map.OrderedType` * All types have sexplib serializers/deserializers""" maintainer: "anil@recoil.org" authors: ["David Sheets" "Anil Madhavapeddy" "Hugo Heuzard"] license: "ISC" tags: ["org:mirage" "org:xapi-project"] homepage: "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-ipaddr" doc: "https://mirage.github.io/ocaml-ipaddr/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-ipaddr/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"} "dune" {>= "1.9.0"} "macaddr" {= version} "domain-name" {>= "0.3.0"} "ounit2" {with-test} "ppx_sexp_conv" {with-test & >= "v0.9.0"} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-ipaddr.git" url { src: "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-ipaddr/releases/download/v5.5.0/ipaddr-5.5.0.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=62890b316e035792ad29af1ad971456d10defd525b74b53db1b67fa42375c178" "sha512=d9742648e3e4fe3d0bc7a5b08e62d97dab5d52b6421712c0415b345ddeb63a2a5fbb61e3083e90ae8cf05009673975e2e2ece5e15bce256ccd34cbe78d810c83" ] } x-commit-hash: "234c6009a221e23a7dd4883756e6b2cc0d7c663b" } package "lru" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.3.1" synopsis: "Scalable LRU caches" description: """\ Lru provides weight-bounded finite maps that can remove the least-recently-used (LRU) bindings in order to maintain a weight constraint.""" maintainer: "David Kaloper Meršinjak " authors: "David Kaloper Meršinjak " license: "ISC" homepage: "https://github.com/pqwy/lru" doc: "https://pqwy.github.io/lru/doc" bug-reports: "https://github.com/pqwy/lru/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"} "dune" {>= "1.7"} "psq" {>= "0.2.0"} "qcheck-core" {with-test} "qcheck-alcotest" {with-test} "alcotest" {with-test} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name] {with-test & ocaml:version >= "4.07.0"} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/pqwy/lru.git" url { src: "https://github.com/pqwy/lru/releases/download/v0.3.1/lru-0.3.1.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=6cbe23d27a7d5b244f869c0b88140d47f70f413a6462ef35c0009325d4b236fd" "sha512=81144e258d6e488d4677ade91132401b6f8871c72aadf2f1c190c4dee918c71c5df10c4e690c5bf1ab0f364d87989d44aec3695310a3477f6473eb17c1261734" ] } x-commit-hash: "cf049b90bfc5a36ad2c5fb01cf5bd04de80766e7" } package "lwt" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "5.7.0" synopsis: "Promises and event-driven I/O" description: """\ A promise is a value that may become determined in the future. Lwt provides typed, composable promises. Promises that are resolved by I/O are resolved by Lwt in parallel. Meanwhile, OCaml code, including code creating and waiting on promises, runs in a single thread by default. This reduces the need for locks or other synchronization primitives. Code can be run in parallel on an opt-in basis.""" maintainer: [ "Raphaël Proust " "Anton Bachin " ] authors: ["Jérôme Vouillon" "Jérémie Dimino"] license: "MIT" homepage: "https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt" doc: "https://ocsigen.org/lwt" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/issues" depends: [ "cppo" {build & >= "1.1.0"} "dune" {>= "1.8.0"} "dune-configurator" "ocaml" {>= "4.08"} "ocplib-endian" "ocamlfind" {dev & >= "1.7.3-1"} ] depopts: ["base-threads" "base-unix" "conf-libev"] build: [ [ "dune" "exec" "-p" name "src/unix/config/discover.exe" "--" "--save" "--use-libev" "%{conf-libev:installed}%" ] ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt.git" url { src: "https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/archive/refs/tags/5.7.0.tar.gz" checksum: [ "md5=737039d29d45b2d2b35db6931c8d75c6" "sha512=42e629920783428673b99c9d7a639237c9e6b35079b5d907bc67e7ea506acf9edadc48cec580bdcfd2410ed9412bf5e6bcc8b09de2fa7d35ce1490973d05ddd1" ] } } package "macaddr" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "5.5.0" synopsis: "A library for manipulation of MAC address representations" description: """\ A library for manipulation of MAC address representations. Features: * ounit2-based tests * MAC-48 (Ethernet) address support * `Macaddr` is a `Map.OrderedType` * All types have sexplib serializers/deserializers optionally via the `Macaddr_sexp` library.""" maintainer: "anil@recoil.org" authors: ["David Sheets" "Anil Madhavapeddy" "Hugo Heuzard"] license: "ISC" tags: ["org:mirage" "org:xapi-project"] homepage: "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-ipaddr" doc: "https://mirage.github.io/ocaml-ipaddr/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-ipaddr/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"} "dune" {>= "1.9.0"} "ounit2" {with-test} "ppx_sexp_conv" {with-test & >= "v0.9.0"} ] conflicts: [ "ipaddr" {< "3.0.0"} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-ipaddr.git" url { src: "https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-ipaddr/releases/download/v5.5.0/ipaddr-5.5.0.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=62890b316e035792ad29af1ad971456d10defd525b74b53db1b67fa42375c178" "sha512=d9742648e3e4fe3d0bc7a5b08e62d97dab5d52b6421712c0415b345ddeb63a2a5fbb61e3083e90ae8cf05009673975e2e2ece5e15bce256ccd34cbe78d810c83" ] } x-commit-hash: "234c6009a221e23a7dd4883756e6b2cc0d7c663b" } package "ocaml" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "4.14.1" synopsis: "The OCaml compiler (virtual package)" description: """\ This package requires a matching implementation of OCaml, and polls it to initialise specific variables like `ocaml:native-dynlink`""" maintainer: "platform@lists.ocaml.org" authors: [ "Xavier Leroy" "Damien Doligez" "Alain Frisch" "Jacques Garrigue" "Didier Rémy" "Jérôme Vouillon" ] license: "LGPL-2.1-or-later WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception" homepage: "https://ocaml.org" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues" depends: [ "ocaml-config" {>= "2"} "ocaml-base-compiler" {>= "4.14.1~" & < "4.14.2~"} | "ocaml-variants" {>= "4.14.1~" & < "4.14.2~"} | "ocaml-system" {>= "4.14.1" & < "4.14.2~"} ] flags: conf setenv: [ [CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "%{_:stubsdir}%"] [CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH += "%{lib}%/stublibs"] [OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH = "%{toplevel}%"] ] build: [ "ocaml" "%{ocaml-config:share}%/gen_ocaml_config.ml" _:version _:name ] build-env: CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "" } package "ocaml-base-compiler" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "4.14.1" synopsis: "Official release 4.14.1" maintainer: "platform@lists.ocaml.org" authors: "Xavier Leroy and many contributors" license: "LGPL-2.1-or-later WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception" homepage: "https://ocaml.org" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {= "4.14.1" & post} "base-unix" {post} "base-bigarray" {post} "base-threads" {post} "ocaml-options-vanilla" {post} ] conflict-class: "ocaml-core-compiler" flags: compiler setenv: CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "%{lib}%/stublibs" build: [ [ "./configure" "--prefix=%{prefix}%" "--docdir=%{doc}%/ocaml" "-C" "CC=cc" {os = "openbsd" | os = "macos"} "ASPP=cc -c" {os = "openbsd" | os = "macos"} ] [make "-j%{jobs}%"] ] install: [make "install"] post-messages: [ """\ A failure in the middle of the build may be caused by build parallelism (enabled by default). Please file a bug report at https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues""" {failure & jobs > "1"} """\ You can try installing again including --jobs=1 to force a sequential build instead.""" {failure & jobs > "1" & opam-version >= "2.0.5"} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml" extra-files: [ "ocaml-base-compiler.install" "md5=3e969b841df1f51ca448e6e6295cb451" ] url { src: "https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/archive/4.14.1.tar.gz" checksum: "sha256=776006e6f0b9bcfb6d9d74381c588e587432ca85562fde93bb80472a5145b028" } } package "ocaml-config" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "2" synopsis: "OCaml Switch Configuration" description: "This package is used by the OCaml package to set-up its variables." maintainer: "platform@lists.ocaml.org" authors: [ "Louis Gesbert " "David Allsopp " ] homepage: "https://opam.ocaml.org/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam/issues" depends: [ "ocaml-base-compiler" {>= "4.12.0~"} | "ocaml-variants" {>= "4.12.0~"} | "ocaml-system" {>= "4.12.0~"} ] substs: "gen_ocaml_config.ml" extra-files: [ ["gen_ocaml_config.ml.in" "md5=a4b41e3236593d8271295b84b0969172"] ["ocaml-config.install" "md5=8e50c5e2517d3463b3aad649748cafd7"] ] } package "ocaml-options-vanilla" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "1" synopsis: "Ensure that OCaml is compiled with no special options enabled" maintainer: "platform@lists.ocaml.org" depends: [ "ocaml-base-compiler" {post} | "ocaml-system" {post} | "ocaml-variants" {post & >= "4.12.0~"} ] conflicts: [ "ocaml-option-32bit" "ocaml-option-afl" "ocaml-option-bytecode-only" {arch = "arm64" | arch = "x86_64"} "ocaml-option-default-unsafe-string" "ocaml-option-flambda" "ocaml-option-fp" "ocaml-option-musl" "ocaml-option-no-flat-float-array" "ocaml-option-no-compression" "ocaml-option-spacetime" "ocaml-option-static" "ocaml-option-nnp" "ocaml-option-nnpchecker" "ocaml-option-address-sanitizer" "ocaml-option-leak-sanitizer" "ocaml-option-tsan" ] flags: compiler } package "ocaml-syntax-shims" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "1.0.0" synopsis: "Backport new syntax to older OCaml versions" description: """\ This packages backports new features of the language to older compilers, such as let+.""" maintainer: "jeremie@dimino.org" authors: "Jérémie Dimino " license: "MIT" homepage: "https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ocaml-syntax-shims" doc: "https://ocaml-ppx.github.io/ocaml-syntax-shims/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ocaml-syntax-shims/issues" depends: [ "dune" {>= "2.0"} "ocaml" {>= "4.02.3"} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} [ "dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs "@install" "@runtest" {with-test} "@doc" {with-doc} ] ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ocaml-syntax-shims.git" url { src: "https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ocaml-syntax-shims/releases/download/1.0.0/ocaml-syntax-shims-1.0.0.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=89b2e193e90a0c168b6ec5ddf6fef09033681bdcb64e11913c97440a2722e8c8" "sha512=75c4c6b0bfa1267a8a49a82ba494d08cf0823fc8350863d6d3d4971528cb09e5a2a29e2981d04c75e76ad0f49360b05a432c9efeff9a4fbc1ec6b28960399852" ] } } package "ocamlfind" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "1.9.6" synopsis: "A library manager for OCaml" description: """\ Findlib is a library manager for OCaml. It provides a convention how to store libraries, and a file format ("META") to describe the properties of libraries. There is also a tool (ocamlfind) for interpreting the META files, so that it is very easy to use libraries in programs and scripts.""" maintainer: "Thomas Gazagnaire " authors: "Gerd Stolpmann " license: "MIT" homepage: "http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/findlib.html" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/ocamlfind/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "3.08.0"} ] depopts: ["graphics"] available: os != "win32" build: [ [ "./configure" "-bindir" bin "-sitelib" lib "-mandir" man "-config" "%{lib}%/findlib.conf" "-no-custom" "-no-camlp4" {!ocaml:preinstalled & ocaml:version >= "4.02.0"} "-no-topfind" {ocaml:preinstalled} ] [make "all"] [make "opt"] {ocaml:native} ] install: [ [make "install"] ["install" "-m" "0755" "ocaml-stub" "%{bin}%/ocaml"] {ocaml:preinstalled} ] patches: "0001-Harden-test-for-OCaml-5.patch" dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/ocamlfind.git" extra-files: [ "0001-Harden-test-for-OCaml-5.patch" "md5=3cddbf72164c29d4e50e077a92a37c6c" ] url { src: "http://download.camlcity.org/download/findlib-1.9.6.tar.gz" checksum: [ "md5=96c6ee50a32cca9ca277321262dbec57" "sha512=cfaf1872d6ccda548f07d32cc6b90c3aafe136d2aa6539e03143702171ee0199add55269bba894c77115535dc46a5835901a5d7c75768999e72db503bfd83027" ] } } package "ocplib-endian" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "1.2" synopsis: "Optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 from strings and bigarrays" description: """\ The library implements three modules: * [EndianString](https://github.com/OCamlPro/ocplib-endian/blob/master/src/endianString.mli) works directly on strings, and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts; * [EndianBytes](https://github.com/OCamlPro/ocplib-endian/blob/master/src/endianBytes.mli) works directly on bytes, and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts; * [EndianBigstring](https://github.com/OCamlPro/ocplib-endian/blob/master/src/endianBigstring.mli) works on bigstrings (Bigarrays of chars), and provides submodules BigEndian and LittleEndian, with their unsafe counter-parts.""" maintainer: "pierre.chambart@ocamlpro.com" authors: "Pierre Chambart" license: "LGPL-2.1-or-later WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception" homepage: "https://github.com/OCamlPro/ocplib-endian" doc: "https://ocamlpro.github.io/ocplib-endian/ocplib-endian/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/OCamlPro/ocplib-endian/issues" depends: [ "base-bytes" "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"} "cppo" {>= "1.1.0" & build} "dune" {>= "1.0"} ] build: [ "dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs "@install" "@runtest" {with-test} "@doc" {with-doc} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/OCamlPro/ocplib-endian.git" url { src: "https://github.com/OCamlPro/ocplib-endian/archive/refs/tags/1.2.tar.gz" checksum: [ "md5=8d5492eeb7c6815ade72a7415ea30949" "sha512=2e70be5f3d6e377485c60664a0e235c3b9b24a8d6b6a03895d092c6e40d53810bfe1f292ee69e5181ce6daa8a582bfe3d59f3af889f417134f658812be5b8b85" ] } } package "optint" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.3.0" synopsis: "Efficient integer types on 64-bit architectures" description: """\ This library provides two new integer types, `Optint.t` and `Int63.t`, which guarantee efficient representation on 64-bit architectures and provide a best-effort boxed representation on 32-bit architectures. Implementation depends on target architecture.""" maintainer: "romain.calascibetta@gmail.com" authors: "Romain Calascibetta" license: "ISC" homepage: "https://github.com/mirage/optint" doc: "https://mirage.github.io/optint/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/mirage/optint/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.07.0"} "dune" "crowbar" {with-test & >= "0.2"} "monolith" {with-test} "fmt" {with-test} ] build: ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] run-test: ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/mirage/optint.git" url { src: "https://github.com/mirage/optint/releases/download/v0.3.0/optint-0.3.0.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=295cff2c134b0385b13ba81d5005d9f841ba40d4a502aed10c997f239ef1147b" "sha512=15ec97a076584e8ea28c589f1db3b9a0dd6fd5a7950528a1d136761cc13bca0e6e7bf6e0f87c73578a37393c213a7a0f3e7beaabd924e176459b29af52b8dd11" ] } x-commit-hash: "66d321700e7c8c6cbcd3cd7c391e35d4943eac4b" } package "owee" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.7" synopsis: "OCaml library to work with DWARF format" description: """\ Owee is an experimental library to work with DWARF format. It can parse ELF binaries and interpret DWARF debugline programs. It can also be used to find locations of functions from the current process.""" maintainer: "Frédéric Bour " authors: "Frédéric Bour " license: "MIT" homepage: "https://github.com/let-def/owee" bug-reports: "https://github.com/let-def/owee" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.06"} "dune" {>= "2.0"} ] available: arch != "x86_32" & arch != "arm32" build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/let-def/owee.git" url { src: "https://github.com/let-def/owee/releases/download/v0.7/owee-0.7.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=f455dc99d7478399a4e545a061de244cf38b398fe9e80fce06ebdf6ace1e9540" "sha512=a66281555b4feb75fd340a0424fcb2936f2887b73930c066b67b5829c9b17fb28b5994b27824a371dcae6cc3d340aedb3cdfdf01d173019475e49a63eed48bde" ] } x-commit-hash: "518cdbda93192f0e661cb80701ba0b3ae075ea66" } package "psq" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.2.1" synopsis: "Functional Priority Search Queues" description: """\ Typical applications are searches, schedulers and caches. If you ever scratched your head because that A* didn't look quite right, a PSQ is what you needed.""" maintainer: "David Kaloper Meršinjak " authors: "David Kaloper Meršinjak " license: "ISC" homepage: "https://github.com/pqwy/psq" doc: "https://pqwy.github.io/psq/doc" bug-reports: "https://github.com/pqwy/psq/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"} "dune" {>= "1.7"} "seq" "qcheck-core" {with-test} "qcheck-alcotest" {with-test} "alcotest" {with-test} ] build: [ ["dune" "subst"] {dev} ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name] {with-test & ocaml:version >= "4.07.0"} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/pqwy/psq.git" url { src: "https://github.com/pqwy/psq/releases/download/v0.2.1/psq-0.2.1.tbz" checksum: [ "sha256=42005f533eabe74b1799ee32b8905654cd66a22bed4af2bd266b28d8462cd344" "sha512=8a8dfe20dc77e1cf38a7b1a7fc76f815c71a4ffe04627151b855feaba8f1ae742594739d1b7a45580b5b24a2cd99b58516f6b5c8d858aa314201f4a6422101ee" ] } x-commit-hash: "b2eb86165712da210bcffec385bb7e031e54045e" } package "result" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "1.5" synopsis: "Compatibility Result module" description: """\ Projects that want to use the new result type defined in OCaml >= 4.03 while staying compatible with older version of OCaml should use the Result module defined in this library.""" maintainer: "Jane Street developers" authors: "Jane Street Group, LLC" license: "BSD-3-Clause" homepage: "https://github.com/janestreet/result" bug-reports: "https://github.com/janestreet/result/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" "dune" {>= "1.0"} ] build: ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/janestreet/result.git" url { src: "https://github.com/janestreet/result/releases/download/1.5/result-1.5.tbz" checksum: "md5=1b82dec78849680b49ae9a8a365b831b" } } package "seq" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "base" synopsis: "Compatibility package for OCaml's standard iterator type starting from 4.07." maintainer: " " authors: " " homepage: " " bug-reports: "https://caml.inria.fr/mantis/main_page.php" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.07.0"} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.git" extra-files: [ ["seq.install" "md5=026b31e1df290373198373d5aaa26e42"] ["META.seq" "md5=b33c8a1a6c7ed797816ce27df4855107"] ] } package "sexplib0" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "v0.16.0" synopsis: "Library containing the definition of S-expressions and some base converters" description: """\ Part of Jane Street's Core library The Core suite of libraries is an industrial strength alternative to OCaml's standard library that was developed by Jane Street, the largest industrial user of OCaml.""" maintainer: "Jane Street developers" authors: "Jane Street Group, LLC" license: "MIT" homepage: "https://github.com/janestreet/sexplib0" doc: "https://ocaml.janestreet.com/ocaml-core/latest/doc/sexplib0/index.html" bug-reports: "https://github.com/janestreet/sexplib0/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"} "dune" {>= "2.0.0"} ] build: ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/janestreet/sexplib0.git" url { src: "https://ocaml.janestreet.com/ocaml-core/v0.16/files/sexplib0-v0.16.0.tar.gz" checksum: "sha256=86dba26468194512f789f2fb709063515a9cb4e5c4461c021c239a369590701d" } } package "zarith" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "1.13" synopsis: "Implements arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers" description: """\ The Zarith library implements arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers. It uses GMP to efficiently implement arithmetic over big integers. Small integers are represented as Caml unboxed integers, for speed and space economy.""" maintainer: "Xavier Leroy " authors: ["Antoine Miné" "Xavier Leroy" "Pascal Cuoq"] license: "LGPL-2.0-only WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception" homepage: "https://github.com/ocaml/Zarith" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/Zarith/issues" depends: [ "ocaml" {>= "4.04.0"} "ocamlfind" "conf-gmp" ] build: [ ["./configure"] {os != "openbsd" & os != "freebsd" & os != "macos"} [ "sh" "-exc" "LDFLAGS=\"$LDFLAGS -L/usr/local/lib\" CFLAGS=\"$CFLAGS -I/usr/local/include\" ./configure" ] {os = "openbsd" | os = "freebsd"} [ "sh" "-exc" "LDFLAGS=\"$LDFLAGS -L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib\" CFLAGS=\"$CFLAGS -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/local/include\" ./configure" ] {os = "macos" & os-distribution != "homebrew"} [ "sh" "-exc" "LDFLAGS=\"$LDFLAGS -L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib\" CFLAGS=\"$CFLAGS -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/local/include\" ./configure" ] {os = "macos" & os-distribution = "homebrew" & arch = "x86_64"} [ "sh" "-exc" "LDFLAGS=\"$LDFLAGS -L/opt/homebrew/lib\" CFLAGS=\"$CFLAGS -I/opt/homebrew/include\" ./configure" ] {os = "macos" & os-distribution = "homebrew" & arch = "arm64"} [make] ] install: [make "install"] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/Zarith.git" url { src: "https://github.com/ocaml/Zarith/archive/release-1.13.tar.gz" checksum: [ "md5=b3529c5de89ab8c026943f73f6195ad9" "sha512=a562fa8bf4f5ef44f2af6b9a8f028182fd184c89f8c41455acdc02851cc0fc3124d3776c0de930e8d09cd5d6d88cc689f80f4b597068a0611131f45d057b101f" ] } }