opam-version: "2.0"
roots: ["opam-graph.0.1.99~dev"]
installed: [
package "base-bigarray" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "base"
  synopsis: ""
  description: "Bigarray library distributed with the OCaml compiler"
  maintainer: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues"
package "base-threads" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "base"
  synopsis: ""
  description: "Threads library distributed with the OCaml compiler"
  maintainer: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues"
package "base-unix" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "base"
  synopsis: ""
  description: "Unix library distributed with the OCaml compiler"
  maintainer: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues"
package "cmdliner" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "1.3.0"
  synopsis: "Declarative definition of command line interfaces for OCaml"
  description: """\
Cmdliner allows the declarative definition of command line interfaces
for OCaml.

It provides a simple and compositional mechanism to convert command
line arguments to OCaml values and pass them to your functions. The
module automatically handles syntax errors, help messages and UNIX man
page generation. It supports programs with single or multiple commands
and respects most of the [POSIX][1] and [GNU][2] conventions.

Cmdliner has no dependencies and is distributed under the ISC license.

[1]: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/xbd_chap12.html
[2]: http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Argument-Syntax.html

Home page: http://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner"""
  maintainer: "Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buenzl i@erratique.ch>"
  authors: "The cmdliner programmers"
  license: "ISC"
  tags: ["cli" "system" "declarative" "org:erratique"]
  homepage: "https://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner"
  doc: "https://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner/doc"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/dbuenzli/cmdliner/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
  build: [make "all" "PREFIX=%{prefix}%"]
  install: [
    [make "install" "LIBDIR=%{_:lib}%" "DOCDIR=%{_:doc}%"]
    [make "install-doc" "LIBDIR=%{_:lib}%" "DOCDIR=%{_:doc}%"]
  dev-repo: "git+https://erratique.ch/repos/cmdliner.git"
  url {
    src: "https://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner/releases/cmdliner-1.3.0.tbz"
  x-maintenance-intent: ["(latest)"]
package "conf-autoconf" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "0.2"
  synopsis: "Virtual package relying on autoconf installation"
  description: """\
This package can only install if the autoconf command
is available on the system."""
  maintainer: "unixjunkie@sdf.org"
  authors: "https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/autoconf.html#maintainer"
  license: "GPL-3.0-only"
  homepage: "http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues"
  flags: conf
  build: [
    ["sh" "-exc" "autoconf -V"]
      {os = "win32" & os-distribution != "cygwinports"}
    ["autoconf" "-V"] {os != "win32" | os-distribution = "cygwinports"}
  depexts: [
    ["autoconf"] {os-family = "debian" | os-family = "ubuntu"}
    ["autoconf"] {os-distribution = "centos"}
    ["autoconf"] {os-distribution = "fedora"}
    ["autoconf"] {os-distribution = "arch"}
    ["dev-build/autoconf"] {os-distribution = "gentoo"}
    ["autoconf"] {os-distribution = "nixos"}
    ["autoconf"] {os = "macos" & os-distribution = "homebrew"}
    ["autoconf"] {os = "macos" & os-distribution = "macports"}
    ["devel/autoconf"] {os = "openbsd"}
    ["autoconf"] {os = "freebsd"}
    ["autoconf"] {os = "netbsd"}
    ["autoconf"] {os-distribution = "alpine"}
    ["autoconf"] {os-distribution = "ol"}
    ["autoconf"] {os-distribution = "rhel"}
    ["system:autoconf"] {os = "win32" & os-distribution = "cygwinports"}
    ["autoconf"] {os-distribution = "cygwin"}
    ["autoconf"] {os-family = "suse" | os-family = "opensuse"}
package "dune" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "3.17.2"
  synopsis: "Fast, portable, and opinionated build system"
  description: """\
Dune is a build system that was designed to simplify the release of
Jane Street packages. It reads metadata from "dune" files following a
very simple s-expression syntax.

Dune is fast, has very low-overhead, and supports parallel builds on
all platforms. It has no system dependencies; all you need to build
dune or packages using dune is OCaml. You don't need make or bash
as long as the packages themselves don't use bash explicitly.

Dune is composable; supporting multi-package development by simply
dropping multiple repositories into the same directory.

Dune also supports multi-context builds, such as building against
several opam roots/switches simultaneously. This helps maintaining
packages across several versions of OCaml and gives cross-compilation
for free."""
  maintainer: "Jane Street Group, LLC <opensource@janestreet.com>"
  authors: "Jane Street Group, LLC <opensource@janestreet.com>"
  license: "MIT"
  homepage: "https://github.com/ocaml/dune"
  doc: "https://dune.readthedocs.io/"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/dune/issues"
  depends: [
    ("ocaml" {>= "4.08"} |
     ("ocaml" {>= "4.02" & < "4.08~~"} & "ocamlfind-secondary"))
    "lwt" {with-dev-setup & os != "win32"}
    "cinaps" {with-dev-setup}
    "csexp" {with-dev-setup & >= "1.3.0"}
    "js_of_ocaml" {with-dev-setup & os != "win32"}
    "js_of_ocaml-compiler" {with-dev-setup & os != "win32"}
    "mdx" {with-dev-setup & >= "2.3.0" & os != "win32"}
    "menhir" {with-dev-setup & os != "win32"}
    "ocamlfind" {with-dev-setup & os != "win32"}
    "odoc" {with-dev-setup & >= "2.4.0" & os != "win32"}
    "ppx_expect" {with-dev-setup & >= "v0.17" & os != "win32"}
    "ppx_inline_test" {with-dev-setup & os != "win32"}
    "ppxlib" {with-dev-setup & os != "win32"}
    "ctypes" {with-dev-setup & os != "win32"}
    "utop" {with-dev-setup & >= "2.6.0" & os != "win32"}
    "melange" {with-dev-setup & >= "4.0.0-51" & os != "win32"}
  conflicts: [
    "merlin" {< "3.4.0"}
    "ocaml-lsp-server" {< "1.3.0"}
    "dune-configurator" {< "2.3.0"}
    "odoc" {< "2.0.1"}
    "dune-release" {< "1.3.0"}
    "js_of_ocaml-compiler" {< "3.6.0"}
    "jbuilder" {= "transition"}
  build: [
    ["ocaml" "boot/bootstrap.ml" "-j" jobs]
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/dune.git"
  url {
    checksum: [
  x-commit-hash: "fedec664a6ba500f94ba4558112f52d5719bed4d"
  x-maintenance-intent: ["(latest)"]
package "fmt" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "0.9.0"
  synopsis: "OCaml Format pretty-printer combinators"
  description: """\
Fmt exposes combinators to devise `Format` pretty-printing functions.

Fmt depends only on the OCaml standard library. The optional `Fmt_tty`
library that allows to setup formatters for terminal color output
depends on the Unix library. The optional `Fmt_cli` library that
provides command line support for Fmt depends on [`Cmdliner`][cmdliner].

Fmt is distributed under the ISC license.

[cmdliner]: http://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner

Home page: http://erratique.ch/software/fmt"""
  maintainer: "Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buenzl i@erratique.ch>"
  authors: "The fmt programmers"
  license: "ISC"
  tags: ["string" "format" "pretty-print" "org:erratique"]
  homepage: "https://erratique.ch/software/fmt"
  doc: "https://erratique.ch/software/fmt/doc/"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/dbuenzli/fmt/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
    "ocamlfind" {build}
    "ocamlbuild" {build}
    "topkg" {build & >= "1.0.3"}
  depopts: ["base-unix" "cmdliner"]
  conflicts: [
    "cmdliner" {< "0.9.8"}
  build: [
  dev-repo: "git+https://erratique.ch/repos/fmt.git"
  url {
    src: "https://erratique.ch/software/fmt/releases/fmt-0.9.0.tbz"
  x-maintenance-intent: ["(latest)"]
package "gg" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "1.0.0"
  synopsis: "Basic types for computer graphics in OCaml"
  description: """\
Gg is an OCaml module providing basic types for computer graphics.

It defines types and functions for floats, vectors, points, sizes,
matrices, quaternions, axis-aligned boxes, colors, color spaces, and
raster data.

Gg is made of a single module, and is distributed under the ISC

Home page: <http://erratique.ch/software/gg>"""
  maintainer: "Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buenzl i@erratique.ch>"
  authors: "The gg programmers"
  license: "ISC"
  tags: [
    "matrix" "vector" "color" "data-structure" "graphics" "org:erratique"
  homepage: "https://erratique.ch/software/gg"
  doc: "https://erratique.ch/software/gg/doc/"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/dbuenzli/gg/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
    "ocamlfind" {build}
    "ocamlbuild" {build}
    "topkg" {build & >= "1.0.3"}
  build: ["ocaml" "pkg/pkg.ml" "build" "--dev-pkg" "%{dev}%"]
  dev-repo: "git+https://erratique.ch/repos/gg.git"
  url {
    src: "https://erratique.ch/software/gg/releases/gg-1.0.0.tbz"
  x-maintenance-intent: ["(latest)"]
package "jsonm" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "1.0.2"
  synopsis: "Non-blocking streaming JSON codec for OCaml"
  description: """\
Jsonm is a non-blocking streaming codec to decode and encode the JSON
data format. It can process JSON text without blocking on IO and
without a complete in-memory representation of the data.

The alternative "uncut" codec also processes whitespace and
(non-standard) JSON with JavaScript comments.

Jsonm is made of a single module and depends on [Uutf][uutf]. It is distributed
under the ISC license.

[uutf]: http://erratique.ch/software/uutf

Home page: http://erratique.ch/software/jsonm  
Contact: Daniel Bünzli `<daniel.buenzl i@erratique.ch>`"""
  maintainer: "Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buenzl i@erratique.ch>"
  authors: "The jsonm programmers"
  license: "ISC"
  tags: ["json" "codec" "org:erratique"]
  homepage: "https://erratique.ch/software/jsonm"
  doc: "https://erratique.ch/software/jsonm/doc/"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/dbuenzli/jsonm/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.05.0"}
    "ocamlfind" {build}
    "ocamlbuild" {build}
    "topkg" {build & >= "1.0.3"}
    "uutf" {> "1.0.0"}
  build: ["ocaml" "pkg/pkg.ml" "build" "--dev-pkg" "%{dev}%"]
  dev-repo: "git+https://erratique.ch/repos/jsonm.git"
  url {
    src: "https://erratique.ch/software/jsonm/releases/jsonm-1.0.2.tbz"
  x-maintenance-intent: ["(latest)"]
package "logs" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "0.7.0"
  synopsis: "Logging infrastructure for OCaml"
  description: """\
Logs provides a logging infrastructure for OCaml. Logging is performed
on sources whose reporting level can be set independently. Log message
report is decoupled from logging and is handled by a reporter.

A few optional log reporters are distributed with the base library and
the API easily allows to implement your own.

`Logs` has no dependencies. The optional `Logs_fmt` reporter on OCaml
formatters depends on [Fmt][fmt].  The optional `Logs_browser`
reporter that reports to the web browser console depends on
[js_of_ocaml][jsoo]. The optional `Logs_cli` library that provides
command line support for controlling Logs depends on
[`Cmdliner`][cmdliner]. The optional `Logs_lwt` library that provides
Lwt logging functions depends on [`Lwt`][lwt]

Logs and its reporters are distributed under the ISC license.

[fmt]: http://erratique.ch/software/fmt
[jsoo]: http://ocsigen.org/js_of_ocaml/
[cmdliner]: http://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner
[lwt]: http://ocsigen.org/lwt/"""
  maintainer: "Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buenzl i@erratique.ch>"
  authors: "The logs programmers"
  license: "ISC"
  tags: ["log" "system" "org:erratique"]
  homepage: "https://erratique.ch/software/logs"
  doc: "https://erratique.ch/software/logs/doc"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/dbuenzli/logs/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"}
    "ocamlfind" {build}
    "ocamlbuild" {build}
    "topkg" {build}
    "mtime" {with-test}
  depopts: ["js_of_ocaml" "fmt" "cmdliner" "lwt" "base-threads"]
  conflicts: [
    "cmdliner" {< "0.9.8"}
    "js_of_ocaml" {< "3.3.0"}
  build: [
  dev-repo: "git+https://erratique.ch/repos/logs.git"
  url {
    src: "https://erratique.ch/software/logs/releases/logs-0.7.0.tbz"
    checksum: [
  x-maintenance-intent: ["(latest)"]
package "ocaml" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "4.14.2"
  synopsis: "The OCaml compiler (virtual package)"
  description: """\
This package requires a matching implementation of OCaml,
and polls it to initialise specific variables like `ocaml:native-dynlink`"""
  maintainer: "David Allsopp <david@tarides.com>"
  authors: [
    "Xavier Leroy"
    "Damien Doligez"
    "Alain Frisch"
    "Jacques Garrigue"
    "Didier Rémy"
    "Jérôme Vouillon"
  license: "LGPL-2.1-or-later WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception"
  homepage: "https://ocaml.org"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml-config" {>= "2"}
    "ocaml-base-compiler" {>= "4.14.2~" & < "4.14.3~"} |
    "ocaml-variants" {>= "4.14.2~" & < "4.14.3~"} |
    "ocaml-system" {>= "4.14.2" & < "4.14.3~"} |
    "dkml-base-compiler" {>= "4.14.2~" & < "4.14.3~"}
  flags: conf
  setenv: [
    [CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "%{_:stubsdir}%"]
    [CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH += "%{lib}%/stublibs"]
    [OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH = "%{toplevel}%"]
  build: [
    "ocaml" "%{ocaml-config:share}%/gen_ocaml_config.ml" _:version _:name
  build-env: CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH = ""
  x-env-path-rewrite: [
    [CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH (";" {os = "win32"} ":" {os != "win32"}) "target"]
package "ocaml-base-compiler" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "4.14.2"
  synopsis: "Official release 4.14.2"
  maintainer: [
    "David Allsopp <david@tarides.com>"
    "Florian Angeletti <florian.angeletti@inria.fr>"
  authors: "Xavier Leroy and many contributors"
  license: "LGPL-2.1-or-later WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception"
  homepage: "https://ocaml.org"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {= "4.14.2" & post}
    "base-unix" {post}
    "base-bigarray" {post}
    "base-threads" {post}
    (("arch-x86_64" {os = "win32" & arch = "x86_64"} &
      (("system-mingw" &
        "mingw-w64-shims" {os-distribution = "cygwin" & post}) |
       "system-msvc")) |
     ("arch-x86_32" {os = "win32"} &
      (("system-mingw" &
        "mingw-w64-shims" {os-distribution = "cygwin" & post}) |
       "system-msvc")) |
     "base-unix" {os != "win32" & post})
    "ocaml-options-vanilla" {post}
    "flexdll" {>= "0.36" & os = "win32"}
  conflict-class: "ocaml-core-compiler"
  flags: compiler
  setenv: CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "%{lib}%/stublibs"
  build: [
        {system-msvc:installed & arch-x86_64:installed}
        {os-distribution = "cygwin" & system-mingw:installed &
        {system-msvc:installed & arch-x86_32:installed}
        {os-distribution = "cygwin" & system-mingw:installed &
      "--with-flexdll=%{flexdll:share}%" {os = "win32" & flexdll:installed}
      "CC=cc" {os = "openbsd" | os = "macos"}
      "ASPP=cc -c" {os = "openbsd" | os = "macos"}
    [make "-j%{jobs}%"]
  install: [make "install"]
  build-env: MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL = "*"
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml#4.14"
  url {
    src: "https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/archive/4.14.2.tar.gz"
  extra-source "ocaml-base-compiler.install" {
    checksum: [
  x-env-path-rewrite: [
    [CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH (";" {os = "win32"} ":" {os != "win32"}) "target"]
package "ocaml-config" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "2"
  synopsis: "OCaml Switch Configuration"
    "This package is used by the OCaml package to set-up its variables."
  maintainer: "David Allsopp <david@tarides.com>"
  authors: [
    "Louis Gesbert <louis.gesbert@ocamlpro.com>"
    "David Allsopp <david.allsopp@metastack.com>"
  license: "ISC"
  homepage: "https://opam.ocaml.org/"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml-base-compiler" {>= "4.12.0~"} | "ocaml-variants" {>= "4.12.0~"} |
    "ocaml-system" {>= "4.12.0~"}
  available: os != "win32"
  substs: "gen_ocaml_config.ml"
  extra-source "gen_ocaml_config.ml.in" {
    checksum: [
  extra-source "ocaml-config.install" {
    checksum: [
package "ocaml-options-vanilla" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "1"
  synopsis: "Ensure that OCaml is compiled with no special options enabled"
  maintainer: "David Allsopp <david@tarides.com>"
  authors: ["David Allsopp" "Louis Gesbert"]
  license: "CC0-1.0+"
  homepage: "https://opam.ocaml.org"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml-base-compiler" {post} | "ocaml-system" {post} |
    "ocaml-variants" {post & >= "4.12.0~"}
  conflicts: [
      {arch = "arm64" | (arch = "x86_64" & os != "win32")}
  flags: compiler
package "ocamlbuild" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "0.15.0"
    "OCamlbuild is a build system with builtin rules to easily build most OCaml projects"
  maintainer: "Gabriel Scherer <gabriel.scherer@gmail.com>"
  authors: ["Nicolas Pouillard" "Berke Durak"]
  license: "LGPL-2.0-or-later WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception"
  homepage: "https://github.com/ocaml/ocamlbuild/"
  doc: "https://github.com/ocaml/ocamlbuild/blob/master/manual/manual.adoc"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/ocamlbuild/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.08"}
    "ocamlfind" {with-test}
    "menhirLib" {with-test}
  conflicts: [
    "ocamlfind" {< "1.6.2"}
  build: [
    [make "check-if-preinstalled" "all" "opam-install"]
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/ocamlbuild.git"
  url {
package "ocamldot" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "1.1"
  synopsis: "Parsing and printing graphviz files in OCaml"
  maintainer: "Zoggy <zoggy@bat8.org>"
  authors: "Zoggy <zoggy@bat8.org>"
  license: "LGPL-3.0-only"
  homepage: "https://zoggy.frama.io/ocamldot/"
  doc: "https://zoggy.frama.io/ocamldot/refdoc/"
  bug-reports: "https://framagit.org/zoggy/ocamldot/-/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.12.0"}
    "ocamlfind" {build}
  depopts: ["lablgtk3"]
  conflicts: [
    "lablgtk3" {< "3.1.1"}
  build: [
    ["./configure" "--prefix" prefix]
    [make "all"]
  install: [make "install"]
  dev-repo: "git+https://framagit.org/zoggy/ocamldot.git"
  url {
    checksum: [
package "ocamlfind" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "1.9.8"
  synopsis: "A library manager for OCaml"
  description: """\
Findlib is a library manager for OCaml. It provides a convention how
to store libraries, and a file format ("META") to describe the
properties of libraries. There is also a tool (ocamlfind) for
interpreting the META files, so that it is very easy to use libraries
in programs and scripts."""
  maintainer: "Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas@gazagnaire.org>"
  authors: "Gerd Stolpmann <gerd@gerd-stolpmann.de>"
  license: "MIT"
  homepage: "http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/findlib.html"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/ocamlfind/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "3.08.0"}
  depopts: ["graphics"]
  build: [
      "-no-camlp4" {!ocaml:preinstalled & ocaml:version >= "4.02.0"}
      "-no-topfind" {ocaml:preinstalled}
    [make "all"]
    [make "opt"] {ocaml:native}
  install: [
    [make "install"]
    ["install" "-m" "0755" "ocaml-stub" "%{bin}%/ocaml"] {ocaml:preinstalled}
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/ocamlfind.git"
  url {
    checksum: [
package "ocamlgraph" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "2.1.0"
  synopsis: "A generic graph library for OCaml"
  description: "Provides both graph data structures and graph algorithms"
  maintainer: "jean-christophe.filliatre@cnrs.fr"
  authors: ["Sylvain Conchon" "Jean-Christophe Filliâtre" "Julien Signoles"]
  license: "LGPL-2.1-only"
  tags: [
    "directed graph"
  homepage: "https://github.com/backtracking/ocamlgraph/"
  doc: "https://backtracking.github.io/ocamlgraph"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/backtracking/ocamlgraph/issues/new"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
    "dune" {>= "2.0"}
    "graphics" {with-test}
  build: [
    ["dune" "subst"] {dev}
      "@runtest" {with-test}
      "@doc" {with-doc}
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/backtracking/ocamlgraph.git"
  url {
    checksum: [
  x-commit-hash: "9ebfbb119b50d98b31f34be4983cd4f842460ea0"
package "opam-core" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "2.3.0"
  synopsis: "Core library for opam 2.3"
    "Small standard library extensions, and generic system interaction modules used by opam."
  maintainer: "opam-devel@lists.ocaml.org"
  authors: [
    "David Allsopp <david@tarides.com>"
    "Vincent Bernardoff <vb@luminar.eu.org>"
    "Raja Boujbel <raja.boujbel@ocamlpro.com>"
    "Kate Deplaix <kit-ty-kate@outlook.com>"
    "Roberto Di Cosmo <roberto@dicosmo.org>"
    "Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas@gazagnaire.org>"
    "Louis Gesbert <louis.gesbert@ocamlpro.com>"
    "Fabrice Le Fessant <Fabrice.Le_fessant@inria.fr>"
    "Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@recoil.org>"
    "Guillem Rieu <guillem.rieu@ocamlpro.com>"
    "Ralf Treinen <ralf.treinen@pps.jussieu.fr>"
    "Frederic Tuong <tuong@users.gforge.inria.fr>"
  license: "LGPL-2.1-only WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception"
  homepage: "https://opam.ocaml.org"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
    "re" {>= "1.9.0"}
    "dune" {>= "2.8.0"}
    "sha" {>= "1.13"}
    (("host-system-mingw" {os = "win32" & os-distribution != "cygwinports"} &
        {os = "win32" & os-distribution != "cygwinports"} &
        {os = "win32" & os-distribution != "cygwinports"}) |
     ("host-system-msvc" {os = "win32" & os-distribution != "cygwinports"} &
      "conf-msvc32" {os = "win32" & os-distribution != "cygwinports"} &
      "conf-msvc64" {os = "win32" & os-distribution != "cygwinports"}))
  conflicts: ["extlib-compat"]
  build: [
    ["./configure" "--disable-checks" "--prefix" prefix]
    ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/opam.git"
  url {
    src: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam/archive/refs/tags/2.3.0.tar.gz"
    checksum: [
package "opam-file-format" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "2.1.6"
  synopsis: "Parser and printer for the opam file syntax"
  maintainer: "Louis Gesbert <louis.gesbert@ocamlpro.com>"
  authors: "Louis Gesbert <louis.gesbert@ocamlpro.com>"
  license: "LGPL-2.1-only WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception"
  homepage: "https://opam.ocaml.org"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-file-format/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "3.09.0"}
    "alcotest" {with-test}
  depopts: ["dune"]
  conflicts: [
    "dune" {< "1.3.0"}
  build: [
    [make "byte" {!ocaml:native} "all" {ocaml:native}] {!dune:installed}
    ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs "@install" "@doc" {with-doc}]
    ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test & dune:installed}
  install: [make "install" "PREFIX=%{prefix}%"] {!dune:installed}
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/opam-file-format"
  url {
    checksum: [
package "opam-format" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "2.3.0"
  synopsis: "Format library for opam 2.3"
  description: "Definition of opam datastructures and its file interface."
  maintainer: "opam-devel@lists.ocaml.org"
  authors: [
    "David Allsopp <david@tarides.com>"
    "Vincent Bernardoff <vb@luminar.eu.org>"
    "Raja Boujbel <raja.boujbel@ocamlpro.com>"
    "Kate Deplaix <kit-ty-kate@outlook.com>"
    "Roberto Di Cosmo <roberto@dicosmo.org>"
    "Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas@gazagnaire.org>"
    "Louis Gesbert <louis.gesbert@ocamlpro.com>"
    "Fabrice Le Fessant <Fabrice.Le_fessant@inria.fr>"
    "Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@recoil.org>"
    "Guillem Rieu <guillem.rieu@ocamlpro.com>"
    "Ralf Treinen <ralf.treinen@pps.jussieu.fr>"
    "Frederic Tuong <tuong@users.gforge.inria.fr>"
  license: "LGPL-2.1-only WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception"
  homepage: "https://opam.ocaml.org"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
    "opam-core" {= version}
    "opam-file-format" {>= "2.1.4"}
    "re" {>= "1.9.0"}
    "dune" {>= "2.8.0"}
  build: [
    ["./configure" "--disable-checks" "--prefix" prefix]
    ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/opam.git"
  url {
    src: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam/archive/refs/tags/2.3.0.tar.gz"
    checksum: [
package "opam-graph" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "0.1.99~dev"
  synopsis: "Graphing dependencies of opam packages"
  description: """\
This package outputs dependency graphs (in svg and dot) of opam package
universes (opam switch export)."""
  maintainer: "Robur <team@robur.coop>"
  authors: "Robur <team@robur.coop>"
  license: "ISC"
  homepage: "https://git.robur.coop/robur/opam-graph"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/robur-coop/opam-graph/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.08.0" & < "5.0.0"}
    "dune" {>= "2.0.0"}
    "cmdliner" {>= "1.1.0"}
    "fmt" {>= "0.8.7"}
    "opam-format" {>= "2.1.1"}
    "tyxml" {>= "4.3.0"}
  build: [
    ["dune" "subst"] {dev}
    ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]
    ["sh" "-ex" "packaging/FreeBSD/create_package.sh"] {os = "freebsd"}
    ["sh" "-ex" "packaging/debian/create_package.sh"] {os-family = "debian"}
  dev-repo: "git+https://git.robur.coop/robur/opam-graph.git"
  url {
package "re" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "1.12.0"
  synopsis: "RE is a regular expression library for OCaml"
  description: """\
Pure OCaml regular expressions with:
* Perl-style regular expressions (module Re.Perl)
* Posix extended regular expressions (module Re.Posix)
* Emacs-style regular expressions (module Re.Emacs)
* Shell-style file globbing (module Re.Glob)
* Compatibility layer for OCaml's built-in Str module (module Re.Str)"""
  maintainer: "rudi.grinberg@gmail.com"
  authors: [
    "Jerome Vouillon"
    "Thomas Gazagnaire"
    "Anil Madhavapeddy"
    "Rudi Grinberg"
    "Gabriel Radanne"
  license: "LGPL-2.1-or-later WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception"
  homepage: "https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-re"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-re/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.12"}
    "dune" {>= "2.0"}
    "ounit2" {with-test}
  build: [
    ["dune" "subst"] {dev}
    ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]
    ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test}
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-re.git"
  url {
    checksum: [
  x-commit-hash: "f09672608781dc05172ad980a6e9a483c3b9d534"
package "seq" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "base"
    "Compatibility package for OCaml's standard iterator type starting from 4.07."
  maintainer: " "
  authors: " "
  homepage: " "
  bug-reports: "https://caml.inria.fr/mantis/main_page.php"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.07.0"}
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.git"
  extra-source "META.seq" {
    checksum: [
  extra-source "seq.install" {
    checksum: [
package "sha" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "1.15.4"
  synopsis: "Binding to the SHA cryptographic functions"
  description: """\
This is the binding for SHA interface code in OCaml. Offering the same
interface than the MD5 digest included in the OCaml standard library.
It's currently providing SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512 hash functions."""
  maintainer: "dave@recoil.org"
  authors: [
    "Vincent Hanquez"
    "Thomas Gazagnaire"
    "Goswin von Brederlow"
    "Eric Cooper"
    "Florent Monnier"
    "Forrest L Norvell"
    "Vincent Bernadoff"
    "David Scott"
    "Olaf Hering"
    "Arthur Teisseire"
    "Nicolás Ojeda Bär"
    "Christopher Zimmermann"
    "Thomas Leonard"
    "Antonin Décimo"
  license: "ISC"
  homepage: "https://github.com/djs55/ocaml-sha"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/djs55/ocaml-sha/issues"
  depends: [
    "dune" {>= "2.9"}
    "ocaml" {>= "4.02"}
    "stdlib-shims" {>= "0.3.0"}
    "ounit2" {with-test}
    "odoc" {with-doc}
  build: [
    ["dune" "subst"] {dev}
      "@runtest" {with-test}
      "@doc" {with-doc}
    ["dune" "install" "-p" name "--create-install-files" name]
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/djs55/ocaml-sha.git"
  url {
    checksum: [
  x-commit-hash: "c743398abee8f822fc0d12f229121e431d60dd5d"
package "stdlib-shims" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "0.3.0"
  synopsis: "Backport some of the new stdlib features to older compiler"
  description: """\
Backport some of the new stdlib features to older compiler,
such as the Stdlib module.

This allows projects that require compatibility with older compiler to
use these new features in their code."""
  maintainer: "The stdlib-shims programmers"
  authors: "The stdlib-shims programmers"
  license: "LGPL-2.1-only WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception"
  tags: ["stdlib" "compatibility" "org:ocaml"]
  homepage: "https://github.com/ocaml/stdlib-shims"
  doc: "https://ocaml.github.io/stdlib-shims/"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/stdlib-shims/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.02.3"}
  build: ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocaml/stdlib-shims.git"
  url {
    checksum: [
  x-commit-hash: "fb6815e5d745f07fd567c11671149de6ef2e74c8"
package "swhid_core" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "0.1"
  synopsis: "OCaml library to work with swhids"
  description: """\
swhid_core is an OCaml library to with with Software Heritage persistent identifiers (swhids).
This is the core library, for most use cases you should use the swhid library instead."""
  maintainer: "Léo Andrès <contact@ndrs.fr>"
  authors: [
    "Léo Andrès <contact@ndrs.fr>" "Dario Pinto <dario.pinto@ocamlpro.com>"
  license: "ISC"
  homepage: "https://github.com/ocamlpro/swhid_core"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocamlpro/swhid_core/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.03"}
    "dune" {>= "1.11"}
    "odoc" {with-doc}
  build: [
    ["dune" "subst"] {dev}
      "@runtest" {with-test}
      "@doc" {with-doc}
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocamlpro/swhid_core.git"
  url {
    checksum: [
package "topkg" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "1.0.7"
  synopsis: "The transitory OCaml software packager"
  description: """\
Topkg is a packager for distributing OCaml software. It provides an
API to describe the files a package installs in a given build
configuration and to specify information about the package's
distribution, creation and publication procedures.

The optional topkg-care package provides the `topkg` command line tool
which helps with various aspects of a package's life cycle: creating
and linting a distribution, releasing it on the WWW, publish its
documentation, add it to the OCaml opam repository, etc.

Topkg is distributed under the ISC license and has **no**
dependencies. This is what your packages will need as a *build*

Topkg-care is distributed under the ISC license it depends on
[fmt][fmt], [logs][logs], [bos][bos], [cmdliner][cmdliner],
[webbrowser][webbrowser] and `opam-format`.

[fmt]: http://erratique.ch/software/fmt
[logs]: http://erratique.ch/software/logs
[bos]: http://erratique.ch/software/bos
[cmdliner]: http://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner
[webbrowser]: http://erratique.ch/software/webbrowser

Home page: http://erratique.ch/software/topkg"""
  maintainer: "Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buenzl i@erratique.ch>"
  authors: "The topkg programmers"
  license: "ISC"
  tags: ["packaging" "ocamlbuild" "org:erratique"]
  homepage: "https://erratique.ch/software/topkg"
  doc: "https://erratique.ch/software/topkg/doc"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/dbuenzli/topkg/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.05.0"}
    "ocamlfind" {build & >= "1.6.1"}
  build: [
    "ocaml" "pkg/pkg.ml" "build" "--pkg-name" name "--dev-pkg" "%{dev}%"
  dev-repo: "git+https://erratique.ch/repos/topkg.git"
  url {
    src: "https://erratique.ch/software/topkg/releases/topkg-1.0.7.tbz"
  x-maintenance-intent: ["(latest)"]
package "tyxml" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "4.6.0"
  synopsis: "A library for building correct HTML and SVG documents"
    "TyXML provides a set of convenient combinators that uses the OCaml type system to ensure the validity of the generated documents. TyXML can be used with any representation of HTML and SVG: the textual one, provided directly by this package, or DOM trees (`js_of_ocaml-tyxml`) virtual DOM (`virtual-dom`) and reactive or replicated trees (`eliom`). You can also create your own representation and use it to instantiate a new set of combinators."
  maintainer: "dev@ocsigen.org"
  authors: "The ocsigen team"
  license: "LGPL-2.1-only WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception"
  homepage: "https://github.com/ocsigen/tyxml"
  doc: "https://ocsigen.org/tyxml/latest/manual/intro"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocsigen/tyxml/issues"
  depends: [
    "dune" {>= "2.7"}
    "ocaml" {>= "4.04"}
    "alcotest" {with-test}
    "re" {>= "1.7.2"}
    "uutf" {>= "1.0.0"}
    "odoc" {with-doc}
  build: [
    ["dune" "subst"] {dev}
      "@runtest" {with-test}
      "@doc" {with-doc}
  dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ocsigen/tyxml.git"
  url {
    checksum: [
  x-commit-hash: "d2916535536f2134bad7793a598ba5b7327cae41"
package "uutf" {
  opam-version: "2.0"
  version: "1.0.3"
  synopsis: "Non-blocking streaming Unicode codec for OCaml"
  description: """\
Uutf is a non-blocking streaming codec to decode and encode the UTF-8,
UTF-16, UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE encoding schemes. It can efficiently
work character by character without blocking on IO. Decoders perform
character position tracking and support newline normalization.

Functions are also provided to fold over the characters of UTF encoded
OCaml string values and to directly encode characters in OCaml
Buffer.t values. **Note** that since OCaml 4.14, that functionality
can be found in the Stdlib and you are encouraged to migrate to it.

Uutf has no dependency and is distributed under the ISC license.

Home page: http://erratique.ch/software/uutf  
Contact: Daniel Bünzli `<daniel.buenzl i@erratique.ch>`"""
  maintainer: "Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buenzl i@erratique.ch>"
  authors: "The uutf programmers"
  license: "ISC"
  tags: ["unicode" "text" "utf-8" "utf-16" "codec" "org:erratique"]
  homepage: "https://erratique.ch/software/uutf"
  doc: "https://erratique.ch/software/uutf/doc/"
  bug-reports: "https://github.com/dbuenzli/uutf/issues"
  depends: [
    "ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"}
    "ocamlfind" {build}
    "ocamlbuild" {build}
    "topkg" {build & >= "1.0.3"}
  depopts: ["cmdliner"]
  conflicts: [
    "cmdliner" {< "0.9.8"}
  build: [
  dev-repo: "git+https://erratique.ch/repos/uutf.git"
  url {
    src: "https://erratique.ch/software/uutf/releases/uutf-1.0.3.tbz"
  x-maintenance-intent: ["(latest)"]