opam-version: "2.0" roots: ["solo5-bindings-hvt.0.6.8~packaging"] installed: ["conf-pkg-config.2" "solo5-bindings-hvt.0.6.8~packaging"] package "conf-pkg-config" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "2" synopsis: "Check if pkg-config is installed and create an opam switch local pkgconfig folder" description: """\ This package can only install if the pkg-config package is installed on the system.""" maintainer: "unixjunkie@sdf.org" authors: "Francois Berenger" license: "GPL-1.0-or-later" homepage: "http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/" bug-reports: "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/issues" flags: conf setenv: PKG_CONFIG_PATH += "%{lib}%/pkgconfig" build: [ ["pkg-config" "--help"] {os != "openbsd"} ["/usr/local/bin/pkgconf" "--help"] {os = "openbsd"} ] install: [ ["mkdir" "-p" "%{lib}%/pkgconfig"] ["ln" "-s" "/usr/local/bin/pkgconf" "%{bin}%/pkg-config"] {os = "openbsd"} ] post-messages: "conf-pkg-config: A symlink to /usr/local/bin/pkgconf has been installed in the OPAM bin directory (%{bin}%) on your PATH as 'pkg-config'. This is necessary for correct operation." {os = "openbsd"} depexts: [ ["pkg-config"] {os-family = "debian"} ["pkgconf"] {os-distribution = "arch"} ["pkgconf-pkg-config"] {os-distribution = "fedora"} ["pkgconfig"] {os-distribution = "centos" & os-version <= "7"} ["pkgconf-pkg-config"] {os-distribution = "mageia"} ["pkgconfig"] {os-distribution = "rhel" & os-version <= "7"} ["pkgconfig"] {os-distribution = "ol" & os-version <= "7"} ["pkgconf"] {os-distribution = "alpine"} ["pkgconfig"] {os-distribution = "nixos"} ["devel/pkgconf"] {os = "openbsd"} ["pkg-config"] {os = "macos" & os-distribution = "homebrew"} ["pkgconfig"] {os = "macos" & os-distribution = "macports"} ["pkgconf"] {os = "freebsd"} ["pkgconf-pkg-config"] {os-distribution = "rhel" & os-version >= "8"} ["pkgconf-pkg-config"] {os-distribution = "centos" & os-version >= "8"} ["pkgconf-pkg-config"] {os-distribution = "ol" & os-version >= "8"} ["system:pkgconf"] {os = "win32" & os-distribution = "cygwinports"} ] } package "solo5-bindings-hvt" { opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.6.8~packaging" synopsis: "Solo5 sandboxed execution environment (hvt target)" description: """\ Solo5 is a sandboxed execution environment primarily intended for, but not limited to, running applications built using various unikernels (a.k.a. library operating systems). This package provides the Solo5 components needed to build and run MirageOS unikernels on the "hvt" target, including the "solo5-hvt" tender source code, and "solo5-hvt-configure" script used to specialize the tender at MirageOS unikernel build time. The "hvt" target is supported on 64-bit Linux, FreeBSD and OpenBSD systems with hardware virtualization.""" maintainer: "martin@lucina.net" authors: [ "Dan Williams " "Martin Lucina " "Ricardo Koller " ] license: "ISC" homepage: "https://github.com/solo5/solo5" bug-reports: "https://github.com/solo5/solo5/issues" depends: [ "conf-pkg-config" "conf-libseccomp" {build & os = "linux"} ] conflicts: [ "ocaml-freestanding" {< "0.6.0"} "solo5-bindings-spt" "solo5-bindings-virtio" "solo5-bindings-muen" "solo5-bindings-genode" "solo5-bindings-xen" ] available: (arch = "x86_64" | arch = "arm64") & (os = "linux" | os = "freebsd" | os = "openbsd") build: [ ["./configure.sh"] [ make "V=1" "CONFIG_SPT=" "CONFIG_VIRTIO=" "CONFIG_MUEN=" "CONFIG_GENODE=" "CONFIG_XEN=" ] ["sh" "-ex" "packaging/FreeBSD/create_package.sh"] {os = "freebsd"} ["sh" "-ex" "packaging/debian/create_package.sh"] {os-family = "debian"} ] depexts: [ ["linux-headers"] {os-distribution = "alpine"} ["kernel-headers"] {os-distribution = "fedora"} ["kernel-headers"] {os-distribution = "rhel"} ["linux-libc-dev"] {os-family = "debian"} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/solo5/solo5.git" url { src: "git+https://github.com/hannesm/solo5.git#3615636d" } }