Comparing builds

Builds opam-graph@2023-08-21 16:43:37Z on freebsd-12 and opam-graph@2023-06-26 08:23:22Z on freebsd-12

Compare in reverse direction

Opam packages removed


Opam packages with version changes


Opam packages with changes in their opam file

ocamldot.1.1 (and additional changes)

ocaml-options-vanilla.1 (and additional changes)

System packages removed

autoconf switch-20220527
gettext runtime-0.22_1
m4 1.4.19,1
perl5 5.34.1_3

System packages changed

ca_root_nss 3.92->3.89.1
curl 8.2.1->8.1.2
gmp 6.3.0->6.2.1
pkg 1.20.5->1.19.1_1