Comparing builds

Builds builder-web@2022-08-10 10:37:18Z on debian-11 and builder-web@2022-08-04 10:48:36Z on debian-11

Compare in reverse direction

Opam packages with version changes


Opam packages with changes in their opam file

ocamlfind.1.9.5 (and additional changes)


build instruction (without common prefix) modifications, old:
[ "./configure" "--prefix=%{prefix}%" "--docdir=%{doc}%/ocaml" "-C" "CC=cc" {os = "openbsd" | os = "macos"} "ASPP=cc -c" {os = "openbsd" | os = "macos"} ]
[make "-j%{jobs}%"]
[ "./configure" "--prefix=%{prefix}%" "-C" "CC=cc" {os = "openbsd" | os = "macos"} "ASPP=cc -c" {os = "openbsd" | os = "macos"} ]
[make "-j%{jobs}%"]

h2.0.8.0 (and additional changes)

System packages changed

libtirpc-common 1.3.1-1+deb11u1->1.3.1-1
libtirpc-dev 1.3.1-1+deb11u1->1.3.1-1
libtirpc3 1.3.1-1+deb11u1->1.3.1-1
orb 0.0.2-4-ged60f97->0.0.1-5-g0930043
unzip 6.0-26+deb11u1->6.0-26